Write For Us

Write For Us Yes, you. We’re CC always looking for new writers. If you’ve got a plan that will challenge our readers and move our business forward, we want to hear about it. Just aim to make readers a fresh view on a topic that’s keeping you up at night.

We’ll be honest, though: writing for ALA takes work. We want your article to be at its most useful, and we’ll drive you to get there. Once accepted, you’ll get great feedback from our team, and you’ll work closely with an editor on changes

Write For Us- Email Us – conversioncalculator1@gmail.com

Type of Articles​

You see, just because you’re looking at a math or education website doesn’t mean that your article needs to contain an extensive amount of math symbols — if at all.

For illustration again, here’s a list of article types to spark your funny noodle:

Definitive Guide
Concept Module
Research Article
Problem Sets
Book Review
History Module​
Method Illustration

Write For Us - conversioncalculator

What we’re looking for

You may submit a rough draft, an incomplete draft, or a short pitch (a paragraph or two reviewing your argument and why it matters to our readers) paired with an outline. The more complete your submission is, the better feedback we can provide you. Keep in mind that we only accept unique content—we do not publish anything that’s been published elsewhere (including on your blog).

Please don’t send us press releases or sales pitches. They make us feel sad inside.

Before you submit, look at our style guide and recent articles for insight into structuring and formatting your piece, and make sure your submission:

  • Has a thesis and offers a clear argument—not just a list of tips and tricks.
  • Has a voice. Be bold, interesting, and human.
  • Is written for an audience of designers, developers, content strategists, information architects, or similar.
  • Is supported with convincing arguments, not just opinions. Fact-check, and cite sources where appropriate.
  • Follows our style guide.

For some wise words on the writing process, see “Writing is Thinking”. You should also check out “So You Want to Write an Article?” to learn about common pitfalls we see in submissions and how you can avoid them.

Join Ezoic

What we publish

We publish articles of anywhere between 600–2,500 words, depending on subject complexity. 1000 words are about average. Materials often run with a custom illustration. Articles may be relaxed in tone and content—great for less-intensive tutorials and posts—or rigorously structured and edited. All should be well-considered examinations of current and cutting-edge topics in the web industry.

How to submit

Email us conversioncalculator1@gmail.com your submission. We prefer submissions as Google documents so that editors can easily provide feedback and guidance directly within your draft. You may also send us a plaintext file, a Markdown file, or a link to an HTML document. (Please do not send a ZIP file of assets unless requested by an editor.)