CGPA to Percentage Calculator

What is the Percentage?

CGPA to Percentage Calculator – A percentage is a number or ratio defined as a fraction of 100. It is usually denoted using the percent sign (%), although the abbreviations pct., pct, and occasionally pc are also used. A percentage is a pure number; it has no unit of measurement.

For example, if there are 200 cars in a garage and 55 are white, we could say that 25% of the cars in the garage are white.
Percentages are typically used to describe a portion of a whole or to compare two numbers. For example, if you have 100 apples and want to understand what percentage of them are red, 40 of them are red, you would divide 20 by 50 to get 0.4, then multiply by 100 to get 40%.

Percentages are also used to describe changes in values over time. For example, if a gallon of milk rises from $2.00 to $2.50, the percentage increase is 25%.

Percentages can be calculated using the following formula:
Percentage = (part/whole) × 100

For example, to calculate the percentage of red apples in a group of 100 apples, we would use the following formula:
Percentage of red apples = (40 / 100) × 100 = 40%

Percentages can also be transformed into decimals and fractions. To transform a percentage to a decimal, divide the percentage by 100. For example, 40% is equivalent to 0.4. To transform a percentage into a fraction, divide the percentage by 100 and then normally the fraction. For example, 40% is equal to 40 / 100 = 2/5.
Percentages are a useful tool for describing and comparing values. They are commonly used in business, economics, and other fields.

CGPA to Percentage Calculator
CGPA to Percentage Calculator

What is CGPA?

CGPA is guided as a cumulative grade point average. It was presented in the CCE or Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation System for Class X. CGPA gives the average grade point of the student version in all the subjects, excluding the additional Subject. The subject-wise performance of the students is registered in the form of Grades.

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. It is a numerical expression of a student’s academic performance in a particular educational program or institution. CGPA is normally used in many educational systems, especially universities, and colleges.

CGPA is calculated by giving a grade point to each course or subject a student takes. The grade points are usually on a scale of 0 to 4 or 0 to 10, depending on the grading system used. The grade point assigned to a course is typically based on the student’s performance, such as their marks or percentage in that individual course.

See also  Calculate CGPA

To calculate the CGPA, the grade points earned in each course are multiplied by the course credits or weightage, and then the total grade points are divided by the total credits or weightage of all the courses taken. This gives the overall CGPA, which represents the student’s average performance across all the courses.


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CGPA is often used to calculate academic achievement and determine a student’s standing or ranking within a program or institution. It is also used for various purposes, such as eligibility for scholarships, awards, or further academic pursuits.

How to Convert CGPA to Percentage

The formula for converting CGPA to percentage is as follows:

Percentage = CGPA * 9.5

For example, if your CGPA is 7.5, your percentage would be 7.5 * 9.5 = 71.25%.

This formula is exact to the CBSE board and may not apply to all educational institutions.

Here are the steps on how to transform CGPA into a percentage:

  1. Add up the grade points of all the subjects in the course.
  2. Divide the total grade points by the total number of subjects.
  3. Multiply the result by 9.5.
  4. The result is your percentage.

Here are some examples of how to convert CGPA to percentage:

  • CGPA of 9.0 = 9.0 * 9.5 = 85.5%
  • CGPA of 8.0 = 8.0 * 9.5 = 76.0%
  • CGPA of 7.0 = 7.0 * 9.5 = 66.5%

It is important to note that converting CGPA to percentage is a different science. The actual percentage may vary depending on the grading system used by the educational institution.

To convert CGPA to a percentage, all you need to do is multiply your CGPA by 9.5. This formula is provided on the official website of CBSE for classes IX and X.

For example, if you have got 9.4 CGPA then the equivalent percentage would be 9.4*9.5 = 89.3

CGPA to Percentage on 10 Point Scale
CGPA to Percentage

When did it get introduced in CBSE?

Before 2011, the Central Board of Secondary Education had standards for rewarding marks. In 2011, it replaced the provisions of the CGPA system.

Why is it used? CGPA to Percentage

The CGPA represents the student’s overall execution in the academic session as grades. The CGPA system was presented to ease the burden of marks and the stress of the studies among students. Due to this reason, the CGPA system is also used in some bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees.

Grade Point Grade Percentage
4.0 A+ 94 – 100
4.0 A 85 – 93
3.7 A- 80 – 84
3.4 B+ 75 – 79
3.0 B 70 – 74
2.7 B- 67 – 69
2.4 C+ 64 – 66
2.0 C 60 – 63
1.7 C- 57 – 59
1.4 D+ 54 – 56
1.0 D 50 – 53
0.0 F Below 50

Abbreviations in CBSE Results 

Another common thing found in a result card is the abbreviations which can indicate several things from being absent to not eligible. The table below has a list of some common ones:

See also  Grams to Cups
Abbreviations Description
EIOP Eligible for Improvement of Performance
ABST Absent
QUAL Qualified for Admission to Higher Classes
N.E Not Eligible
R.W Result Withheld
UFM Unfair Means
TRNS Transfer Case
N.R Not Registered
SJD Subjudice
XXXX Appeared for Upgradation of Performance/ Additional Subject
NIOP Not Eligible for Improvement of Performance

Convert Cgpa to Percentage Hec

The CGPA to percentage conversion is as simple as multiplying your CGPA by 9.5.


See also Calculate CGPA

Cgpa to Percentage Calculation For Different Universities

Cgpa to Percentage Calculator Vtu

Computation of CGPA and SGPA:

CGPA = ∑(Ci x Si) / ∑ Ci

SGPA (Si) = ∑(Ci x Gi) / ∑Ci

The conversion formula to convert the GPA to Percentage is: Percentage (%)= [CGPA – 0.75] x 10

Cgpa to Percentage Mumbai University

CGPA is transformed into percentages at Mumbai University using the formula Percentage (%) = 7.1 * CGPA + 11. If your cumulative grade point standard (CGPA) is 6.2, you can convert it to a percentage by multiplying it by 7.1 * 6.2 + 11 to get 55.02 percent.

Anna University Cgpa Calculator

Anna University multiplied the CGPA by 10. For example, if your CGPA is 7.6, then the percentage will be 76%.

What is The Factorial of Hundred

How to convert CGPA to a percentage? 

To convert CGPA to percentage, all you need to do is multiply your CGPA by 9.5. This formula is provided on the official website of CBSE for class IX and X. For example, if you have got 9.4 CGPA then the equivalent percentage would be 9.4*9.5 = 89.3%.

What % is a 7.6 CGPA?

To determine the % equivalent of  7.6, you need to multiply this number by 9.5. 7.6X9.5 = 72.2%.

What is the %  of 6.8 CGPA?

If you want to calculate the percentage conversion of 6.8, then multiply it by 9.5.
Therefore, 6.8X9.5 = 64.6%.

How is it different from GPA?

While both CGPA and GPA are indicators of academic performance in numerical form. The major difference between CGPA and GPA is that GPA is measured for a single unit or test while GCPA is a combined or cumulative measured result for all the subjects.

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What is CGPA?

CGPA is a grading system that awards candidates points out of 10 points for an academic session. It became popular in 2017 when CBSE announced that the 10th Board results will now be as per the CGPA system.

How can I calculate CGPA marks?

CBSE has provided a simple formula for students to convert their grades and CGPA to percentages. To find an indicative equivalence of grade points and percentage of marks, you can follow these pointers:

– Subject-wise indicative percentage of marks= Multiply the Grade Point of the Subject x 9.5.
– Overall indicative percentage of marks= CGPA x 9.5

This is the formula that has been given by CBSE for converting grades into marks and percentages.

What is the formula to calculate CGPA?

Add all the points you have received in a particular session and divide the total by 5. For example, if you have scored 8,8,9,9,10 then your overall score would be 34/5 = 8.8. This would be your CGPA. In order to get the percentage, multiply 8.8 by 9.5 and the answer will be 83.6%.


See also Percentage Calculator

What are the additional subjects in the mark sheet? Are these part of the overall CGPA?

There are only 5 core subjects in CBSE class IX and X curriculum. if a candidate has taken the 6th subject then that falls as the additional subject. However, CGPA is calculated on the basis of 5 subjects only.

How to calculate CGPA if only subject grade points are given?

Consider the example given below in order to understand the calculation of CGPA when subject grade points are given:

Subject 1 -> 9
Subject 2 -> 10
Subject 3 -> 8
Subject 4 -> 7
Subject 5 -> 8

Total = 42/5 = 8.4
Equivalent Percentage = 8.4*9.5 = 79.8%

How are CGPA and GPA calculated? 

To calculate the percentage candidates can divide the percentage by 25 this would make your grade point average as 4, this is the formula to convert percentage to GPA. For example, if you have to derive the GPA equivalent of 89% then simply divide the number by 25. Therefore the GPA is 89/25= 3.56.

How to convert grades to percentages? 

The easiest way to convert grades into percentages is to find the equivalent percentage for them and then taking an average of all the subjects.

How is CGPA calculated in class 12th?

To obtain a CGPA from your class 12 percentage, you simply need to divide the overall percentage by 9.5, the resultant number will be your CGPA.

How is CGPA calculated in class 10th?

To calculate the CGPA in class 10th, you can simply divide the overall percentage by 9.5 to obtain the equivalent CGPA.

Source – ICBSE

3.3 GPA to percentage – 87-89 percent

10 CGPA in percentage – 95%

9 CGPA in percentage – 85.5%

8 CGPA in Percentage – 76%

7 CGPA in Percentage – 66.5%

6 CGPA in Percentage – 57%

5 CGPA in Percentage – 47.5%

6.2 CGPA in percentage – 58.9%

10 Point CGPA Equivalent 4-Point GPA USA Grade Equivalent
10 4 A
9.9 3.97 A
9.8 3.94 A
9.7 3.9 A
9.5 3.84 A
9.4 3.81 A
9.3 3.78 A
9.2 3.74 A
9.1 3.71 A
9 3.68 A
8.9 3.65 A
8.8 3.62 A
8.7 3.58 A
8.6 3.55 A
8.5 3.87 A
8.4 3.49 A
8.3 3.46 A
8.2 3.42 A
8.1 3.39 A
8 3.36 A
7.9 3.33 A
7.8 3.3 A
7.7 3.26 A
7.6 3.23 A
7.5 3.2 A
7.4 3.17 A
7.3 3.14 A
7.2 3.1 A
7.1 3.07 A
7 3.04 A
6.9 3 B
6.8 2.95 B
6.7 2.9 B
6.6 2.85 B
6.5 2.8 B
6.4 2.75 B
6.3 2.7 B
6.2 2.65 B
6.1 2.6 B
6 2.55 B
5.9 2.5 B
5.8 2.45 B
5.7 2.4 B
5.6 2.35 B
5.5 2.3 B
5.4 2.25 B
5.3 2.2 B
5.2 2.15 B
5.1 2.1 B
5 2.05 B
4.9 2 C
4.8 1.94 C
4.7 1.88 C
4.6 1.82 C
4.5 1.76 C
4.4 1.71 C
4.3 1.65 C
4.2 1.59 C
4.1 1.53 C
4 1.47 C
3.9 1.41 C
3.8 1.35 C
3.7 1.24 C
3.6 1.29 C
3.5 1.18 C
3.4 1.12 C
3.3 1.06 C
3.2 1 F
3.1 0.97 F
3 0.94 F
2.9 0.91 F
2.8 0.88 F
2.7 0.84 F
2.6 0.81 F
2.5 0.78 F
2.4 0.75 F
2.3 0.72 F
2.2 0.69 F
2.1 0.66 F
2 0.63 F
1.9 0.59 F
1.8 0.56 F
1.7 0.53 F
1.6 0.5 F
1.5 0.47 F
1.4 0.44 F
1.3 0.41 F
1.2 0.38 F
1.1 0.34 F
1 0.31 F