Grams To Teaspoons

1 tsp = 4.2 grams

Grams To Teaspoons To be precise, 4.2 grams equals a teaspoon, but the nutrition facts round this number down to four grams.


How to Convert Grams to Teaspoons

Sliding down the label to the total carbohydrates it reads sugars “4g,” or “4 grams.” This important bit of information is your key to converting grams into teaspoons. Four grams of sugar is equal to one teaspoon. To be precise, 4.2 grams equals a teaspoon, but the nutrition facts round this number down to four grams.

Quick conversion chart of grams to teaspoons

1 grams to teaspoons = 0.23471 teaspoons

5 grams to teaspoons = 1.17355 teaspoons

10 grams to teaspoons = 2.34711 teaspoons

20 grams to teaspoons = 4.69421 teaspoons

30 grams to teaspoons = 7.04132 teaspoons

40 grams to teaspoons = 9.38842 teaspoons

50 grams to teaspoons = 11.73553 teaspoons

75 grams to teaspoons = 17.60329 teaspoons

100 grams to teaspoons = 23.47106 teaspoons

How Many Teaspoons in a Tablespoon

This is the amount of sugar, often measured as 4.2 grams per teaspoon on a nutrition facts label.

Note for those looking for jobs in the food service industry, open positions such as nutrition consultant can be viewed on google.


How Many Grams In A Teaspoon Of Sugar?


teaspoon to g conversion table:

0.1 tsp  = 0.5 gram 2.1 tsp  = 10.5 grams 4.1 tsp  = 20.5 grams 7 tsp  = 35 grams
0.2 tsp  = 1 gram 2.2 tsp  = 11 grams 4.2 tsp  = 21 grams 8 tsp  = 40 grams
0.3 tsp  = 1.5 gram 2.3 tsp  = 11.5 grams 4.3 tsp  = 21.5 grams 9 tsp  = 45 grams
0.4 tsp  = 2 grams 2.4 tsp  = 12 grams 4.4 tsp  = 22 grams 10 tsp  = 50 grams
0.5 tsp  = 2.5 grams 2.5 tsp  = 12.5 grams 4.5 tsp  = 22.5 grams 11 tsp  = 55 grams
0.6 tsp  = 3 grams 2.6 tsp  = 13 grams 4.6 tsp  = 23 grams 12 tsp  = 60 grams
0.7 tsp  = 3.5 grams 2.7 tsp  = 13.5 grams 4.7 tsp  = 23.5 grams 13 tsp  = 65 grams
0.8 tsp  = 4 grams 2.8 tsp  = 14 grams 4.8 tsp  = 24 grams 14 tsp  = 70 grams
0.9 tsp  = 4.5 grams 2.9 tsp  = 14.5 grams 4.9 tsp  = 24.5 grams 15 tsp  = 75 grams
1 tsp  = 5 grams 3 tsp  = 15 grams 5 tsp  = 25 grams 16 tsp  = 80 grams
1.1 tsp  = 5.5 grams 3.1 tsp  = 15.5 grams 5.1 tsp  = 25.5 grams 17 tsp  = 85 grams
1.2 tsp  = 6 grams 3.2 tsp  = 16 grams 5.2 tsp  = 26 grams 18 tsp  = 90 grams
1.3 tsp  = 6.5 grams 3.3 tsp  = 16.5 grams 5.3 tsp  = 26.5 grams 19 tsp  = 95 grams
1.4 tsp  = 7 grams 3.4 tsp  = 17 grams 5.4 tsp  = 27 grams 20 tsp  = 100 grams
1.5 tsp  = 7.5 grams 3.5 tsp  = 17.5 grams 5.5 tsp  = 27.5 grams 30 tsp  = 150 grams
1.6 tsp  = 8 grams 3.6 tsp  = 18 grams 5.6 tsp  = 28 grams 40 tsp  = 200 grams
1.7 tsp  = 8.5 grams 3.7 tsp  = 18.5 grams 5.7 tsp  = 28.5 grams 50 tsp  = 250 grams
1.8 tsp  = 9 grams 3.8 tsp  = 19 grams 5.8 tsp  = 29 grams 70 tsp  = 350 grams
1.9 tsp  = 9.5 grams 3.9 tsp  = 19.5 grams 5.9 tsp  = 29.5 grams 90 tsp  = 450 grams
2 tsp  = 10 grams 4 tsp  = 20 grams 6 tsp  = 30 grams 100 tsp  = 500 grams
See also  ML to OZ


g to teaspoon conversion table:

10 grams  = 2 tsp 210 grams  = 42 tsp 410 grams  = 82 tsp 700 grams  = 140 tsp
20 grams  = 4 tsp 220 grams  = 44 tsp 420 grams  = 84 tsp 800 grams  = 160 tsp
30 grams  = 6 tsp 230 grams  = 46 tsp 430 grams  = 86 tsp 900 grams  = 180 tsp
40 grams  = 8 tsp 240 grams  = 48 tsp 440 grams  = 88 tsp 1000 grams  = 200 tsp
50 grams  = 10 tsp 250 grams  = 50 tsp 450 grams  = 90 tsp 1100 grams  = 220 tsp
60 grams  = 12 tsp 260 grams  = 52 tsp 460 grams  = 92 tsp 1200 grams  = 240 tsp
70 grams  = 14 tsp 270 grams  = 54 tsp 470 grams  = 94 tsp 1300 grams  = 260 tsp
80 grams  = 16 tsp 280 grams  = 56 tsp 480 grams  = 96 tsp 1400 grams  = 280 tsp
90 grams  = 18 tsp 290 grams  = 58 tsp 490 grams  = 98 tsp 1500 grams  = 300 tsp
100 grams  = 20 tsp 300 grams  = 60 tsp 500 grams  = 100 tsp 1600 grams  = 320 tsp
110 grams  = 22 tsp 310 grams  = 62 tsp 510 grams  = 102 tsp 1700 grams  = 340 tsp
120 grams  = 24 tsp 320 grams  = 64 tsp 520 grams  = 104 tsp 1800 grams  = 360 tsp
130 grams  = 26 tsp 330 grams  = 66 tsp 530 grams  = 106 tsp 1900 grams  = 380 tsp
140 grams  = 28 tsp 340 grams  = 68 tsp 540 grams  = 108 tsp 2000 grams  = 400 tsp
150 grams  = 30 tsp 350 grams  = 70 tsp 550 grams  = 110 tsp 30000 grams  = 6000 tsp
160 grams  = 32 tsp 360 grams  = 72 tsp 560 grams  = 112 tsp 4000 grams  = 800 tsp
170 grams  = 34 tsp 370 grams  = 74 tsp 570 grams  = 114 tsp 5000 grams  = 1000 tsp
180 grams  = 36 tsp 380 grams  = 76 tsp 580 grams  = 116 tsp 7000 grams  = 1400 tsp
190 grams  = 38 tsp 390 grams  = 78 tsp 590 grams  = 118 tsp 9000 grams  = 1800 tsp
200 grams  = 40 tsp 400 grams  = 80 tsp 600 grams  = 120 tsp 10000 grams  = 2000 tsp
See also  Celsius to Fahrenheit

How Many Teaspoons Are in a Gram?

Teaspoon of what?? lead, feathers, flour , oil?

Accepted materials are such: acetone, beer, butter, ethyl alcohol, flour, glycerine, milk, sugar, sunflower oil, and water. Please, choose according to your request.

How many grams are in a teaspoon?
To be precise, 4.2 grams equals a teaspoon, but the nutrition facts round this number down to four grams
What is 2 tsp in grams?
2 teaspoons 8.4g 5.2g
How many teaspoons is 5g?
Grams Teaspoons 5 grams 1.18 tsp

Which Teaspoon Do I have?

The teaspoon comes in a couple of sizes, depending on which country you are residing in. Note that you can convert between teaspoons and ml here.

  • The US Teaspoon is commonly referenced in recipes in the United States. It measures 4.9289 mL.
  • The Metric Teaspoon is used in the United Kingdom as well as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the rest of the Commonwealth. The metric teaspoon measures 5mL.


Mg to Ml


gram to tablespoon
4 grams to teaspoons
1/4 tsp to grams
1/8 teaspoon to grams
grams to cups
1.25 grams to tsp

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