Fahrenheit to Celsius

(1°F − 32) × 5/9 = -17.22°C


Definition: Fahrenheit (°F) is a unit of temperature that was widely used before metrication. Two points describe it: water freezes at 32°F, and water boiling point is 212°F at sea level and normal atmospheric pressure. The freezing and boiling point interval is divided into 180 parts.


Definition: The Celsius (°C) is an SI (International System of Units) derived temperature unit. Also called centigrade, the scale is based on 0°  for the freezing point and 100° for the boiling point of water at standard atmosphere and sea level pressure. It has a 100-degree interval between the defined point.

Fahrenheit to Celsius
Fahrenheit to Celsius

Fahrenheit to Celsius formula

To convert temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 32 and multiply by .5556 (or 5/9).

  • Example: (50°F – 32) x .5556 = 10°C

How to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

0 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to -17.77778 degrees Celsius:

0 °F = -17.77778 °C

T(°C) = (T(°F) – 32) × 5/9


T(°C) = (T(°F) – 32) / (9/5)


T(°C) = (T(°F) – 32) / 1.8

How to Convert Temperatures

The formula for converting ºF to ºC:

  • C = 5/9 x (F-32)

The C represents the temperature in Celsius, and F is the temperature in Fahrenheit. Follow the three steps to convert ºF to ºC.

  1. Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature.
  2. Multiply this number by five.
  3. Divide the result by nine.


Convert 68 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius:

T(°C) = (68°F – 32) × 5/9 = 20 °C

Example: convert 50 °F to °C
50 °F = (50 – 32) × 5/9 = 10 °C

Fahrenheit to Celsius Chart

Fahrenheit (°F) Celsius (°C)
-459.67 °F -273.15 °C
-50 °F -45.56 °C
-40 °F -40.00 °C
-30 °F -34.44 °C
-20 °F -28.89 °C
-10 °F -23.33 °C
0 °F -17.78 °C
10 °F -12.22 °C
20 °F -6.67 °C
30 °F -1.11 °C
32 °F 0 °C
40 °F 4.44 °C
50 °F 10.00 °C
60 °F 15.56 °C
70 °F 21.11 °C
80 °F 26.67 °C
90 °F 32.22 °C
98.6 °F 37 °C
100 °F 37.78 °C
110 °F 43.33 °C
120 °F 48.89 °C
130 °F 54.44 °C
140 °F 60.00 °C
150 °F 65.56 °C
160 °F 71.11 °C
170 °F 76.67 °C
180 °F 82.22 °C
190 °F 87.78 °C
200 °F 93.33 °C
212 °F 100 °C
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