KTU CGPA Calculator

KTU CGPA Calculator – KTU stands for APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University. It has its own CGPA system. Today we will describe how you can calculate the KTU CGPA percentage.


KTU follows a grading system based on a cumulative grade point average. Students are marked with grades depending on the CGPA they score. So let us know the CGPA-grade pattern that KTU follows before moving on to how to calculate CGPA in KTU.

O 10 90 and above
A+ 9 85-89
A 8.5 80-84
B+ 8 70-79
B 7 60-69
C 6 50-59
P 5 45-49
F 0 Less than 45
FE 0 Failed ( Due to Eligibility Criteria)
I   Course Incomplete

KTU CGPA Calculator

KTU CGPA Calculator

The KTU CGPA calculator is a tool that can be used to calculate the CGPA of a student. The calculator considers the grades obtained by the student in various subjects and the credits allotted to each subject. The formula used by the calculator is as follows:

CGPA = (Σ(GPi * Ci)) / ΣCi


  • GPi is the grade point for the ith subject
  • Ci is the credit for the ith subject
  • Σ is the summation operator

For example, if a student has obtained the following grades in three subjects:

  • Subject 1: A (4.0)
  • Subject 2: B (3.0)
  • Subject 3: C (2.0)

If the credits for each subject are 3, 3, and 2, respectively, then the CGPA of the student will be calculated as follows:

CGPA = (4.0 * 3 + 3.0 * 3 + 2.0 * 2) / (3 + 3 + 2) = 3.0

Percentage Calculator

CGPA Calculator KTU

KTU utilizes the degree system used in most universities to issue grades and grading marks to students. A scale of 10 points follows this. The weighted average grade point multiplied by the course credit allotted is determined as SGPA and CGPA.

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You can use the following formulas to calculate your SGPA and CGPA at KTU:

SGPA = Σ (Ci×GPi)/ΣCi

Where Ci is the total credit for a course.

GPi is the grade point for that course.

CGPA = Σ (Ci×GPi)/ΣCi

Where Ci is the total credit for a course.

GPi is the grade point for that course.

(The higher semester’s CGPA is the average of the scored SGPA up to that semester.)

Let us understand this with an example.

Let the following be a student’s respective SGPA and subject credit for each semester:

S1 = 7, 23

S2 = 6, 24

S3 = 6.5, 24

S4 = 7.2, 23

Now, the CGPA is calculated as (7*23 + 6*24 + 6.5*24 + 7.2*23)/23+24+24+23 = 6.66.

Here are some of the benefits of using a KTU CGPA calculator:

  • It can help students to track their academic progress and to identify areas where they need to improve.
  • It can help students to estimate their chances of admission to a particular course or program.
  • It can help students to compare their CGPA with the CGPA of other students.
  • It can help students to set realistic goals for their academic performance.

If you are a student at KTU University, please use the KTU CGPA calculator to help you with your academic journey.

FAQ Ktu Cgpa to Percentage Calculator

How does the KTU CGPA Calculator work?

SGPA = Σ (Ci×GPi)/ΣCi.
CGPA = Σ (Ci×GPi)/ΣCi.

What is the percentage of a 7.6 CGPA?


How much is 8.2 CGPA in percentage?


How KTU marks are calculated?

The weighted average grade point multiplied by the course credit allotted is determined as SGPA and CGPA.

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What is the minimum CGPA in KTU?

5.5  or 50%

How do you convert CGPA to a percentage?

multiplying your CGPA by 9.5

What GPA is 60%?


What is a GPA of 70%?


What is the percentage of a 9.5 CGPA?


How is CGPA a percentage calculated in engineering KTU?

multiply your CGPA by 9.5.

How KTU grades are calculated?

The 10-grade points (with 90%) mean an O grade, 9-grade points (85% to 90%) mean an A+, 8.5-grade points (80% to 85%) mean an A, 8-grade points (70% to 80%) mean a B+, and so on.

How is b.tech CGPA calculated?

The marks you scored in a total of 6 subjects in a particular semester add up to 300.

  • First, you require to calculate the total percentage, i.e. 300/600*100 = 50%
  • Then, to calculate CGPA from percentage, you must divide your percentage by 9.5, i.e. 50/9.5= 5.26 CGPA approx.

What is the formula for CGPA in KTU?

The Formula for CGPA in KTU is CGPA = Σ (Ci×GPi)/ΣCi

What is the percentage of CGPA in KTU?

Multiply your CGPA by 9.5.